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Functional Fitness


Hopefully you guys are enjoying the tempo and positional work. The tempo will progressively decrease over the next couple weeks. Nothing crazy for today’s pieces, just work.

A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.


A. Strength

Tempo back squat (3331) 5x3

B. Accessory

Single leg RDL 3x10
BB backrack weighted rear lunge 3x8 (ea leg)
Banded glute bridge hold 3x30sec

C. Conditioning

3 rounds, rest 3:00 between
Run 800m
Row 1000m

D. Metcon

21/18 cal AB
15 BB front squat (115/75)
9 bar facing burpees

E. Gymnastics

For time:
25 wall walks
EMOM including 0:00: 30 DU


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