Functional Fitness
The work capacity piece is not for time, but for quality. Try and stay consistent with your form/technique. Pick weights that are challenging but nont impossible.
A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.
A. Hypertrophy
A1. OHP 5x12
A1. DB bent over fly 4x10
B. Accessory
B1. Snatch grip push press 4x8
B1. Banded Paloff press 4x20
B2. BB RDL + shrug 4x10
B2. Bottom up KB press 4x10
C. Conditioning
1200m runn
50 air squats
D. Work Capacity
5 rounds for quality
30 KB RFESS (15 ea leg)
30 single arm KB swing (15 ea arm)
30 KB front rack front lunge (double KB)
30 KB snatch (15 ea arm)
E. Gymnastics
12 T2B
10 KB Turkish get up (5 ea arm)
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