Functional Fitness
Pretty similar pieces between the metcon and interval. For the metcon, the man maker is a pushup, row/row, and squat clean thruster. For the gymnastics intervals, restart each round.
A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.
A. Strength
Tempo back squat (44X1) 5x3
B. Accessory
BB backrack rear lunge 3x8
SA Kb/DB offset RDL 3x12 ea
Chin up 3x10
C. Conditioning
30 min row for max distance
D. Metcon
1-2-3... DB Manmaker (50/35)
2-4-6... T2B
E. Gymnastics
4x3 AMRAP, rest 1:00
3-6-9... GHDSU
4-8-12... pistols (total)
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