Functional Fitness
Happy Friday. We’ve got a bunch of good pieces to choose from today. For the conditioning piece, push the pace and take advantage of the rest. The metcon’s a good barbell cycling piece. Try and go unbroken with the bar and “recover” on the burpees. The gymnastics piece is a good one too. How long can you hold onto the pace? ENjoy.
A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.
A. Oly
C+J 2@60%, 2@70%, 2@80%, 2x2@85%, 2x2@90%
B. Accessory
BB RDL + Shrug 3x10
DB box step up 3x8 ea leg
I/Y/T 3x10
C. Conditioning
AAB for max cals
1-2-3-4-4-3-2-1 minutes
Light pedal 1:00 between
D. Metcon
12 hang power clean (95/65)
12 shoulder to overhead (95/65)
12 bar facing burpees
E. Gymnastics
Every 2 minutes until failure
Run 200m
6-8-10... T2B
10-14-18... pistols
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman