Functional Fitness
Today’s Suck Fest is a classic example of a “work capacity” piece. There’s no strategy except to keep chipping away on the reps. For the 1 mile run, you can carry the KB however you like (just don’t cheat and hang it on your vest). If you’re unfamiliar with some of the exercises for today, Youtube/Google them.
A. Saturday Suck Fest
For time wearing vest (20/14)
50 devils press (2x50/35's)
1 mile run carrying KB (30/20)
100 burpees
1 mile run carrying KB (30/20)
50 DB squat clean thruster (2x50/35's)
B. Strength
OHP 4x6
C. Accessory
Weighted chin up 3x6
Close grip bench 3x8
Poundstone curl
D. Odd Object
Zercher carry 5x100'
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