
Functional Fitness


Today’s suck fest is a partner chipper, except you’re both “working” at the same time. One person works while the other person runs a 400m. Switch each 400m. Use the 400’s as a bit of a “recovery” for the next portion of the chipper. It’ll add up quickly if you go out too hot.


A. Saturday Suck Fest

With a partner for time
While one partner works, other partner runs 400m

100 burpee box jump over (24/20)
100 ground to overhead (155/105)
100 strict pull-up
100 sandbag over shoulder (150/100)
100 med ball weighted GHDSU (20/14)

B. Strength

OHP 4x10@60%

C. Accessory

DB bench 4x8
DB hammer curl 4x12
Strict dip 4x12

D. Odd object

Sled push 5x100' AHAP
Rest as needed


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit