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Functional Fitness


We’ve got a couple interval pieces today to choose between. With our interval pieces, for those unfamiliar, we ideally want to have repeatable efforts between sets (unless otherwise specified). The goal with intervals is to work on pacing. As a result, for D, the goal is pretty much to get back onto the rower for all 3 rounds. For E, try to get through the C2BPU’s unbroken or at least have similar sets.

A/B mandatory. Pick two from C/D/E.


A. Oly

3 position hang snatch (hi hang, knees, low hang) 5x2

B. Accessory

Weighted chin up 3x8
I/Y/T 3x10
Reverse hyper 3x12

C. Conditioning

AAB for max cals 5x5min, rest 2:00

D. Interval

3x4 min AMRAP, rest 2:00 between
20/16 cal row
20 thrusters (95/65)
20 bar facing burpees
Row remainder for calories

E. Gymnastics

Run 200m
15 C2BPU
Rest 30 seconds


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