Functional Fitness
Monday’s might start becoming assault bike Monday’s. You’ve got a couple options for approaching it - send it and try and hold on (good luck) or pace the bike. Either way, it’ll be a fun workout.
A/B mandatory. Pick two from C/D/E.
A. Strength
Tempo back squat (44X1) 5x3
B. Accessory
BB front rack lunge 3x10 ea leg
GHD back extension 3x12
Banded Paloff press 3x20 ea side
C. Conditioning
Row/ski 4x2k, rest 2:00
D. Metcon
For time (15 min cap)
150/125 cal AAB
Every 1:00, including 0:00: 5 DB thruster (2x50/35's
E. Gymnastics
3 RFT (10 min cap)
30 pushups
30 air squats
30 russian KBS (53/35)
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman