Functional Fitness
You guys are in for a real treat today. Fran. Not once, not twice, but three times. Keep in mind that it’s part of an interval piece, so you really shouldn’t go HAM on the first rep, but honestly, have fun with it and try to learn from the experience. Use the piece to see how fast you can recover after 80/90/100% efforts. Enjoy.
A/B mandatory. Pick two from C/D/E.
A. Oly
3 position hang clean (hi hang, knees, low hang) 5x2
B. Accessory
Bottom up KB press 3x12 (ea arm)
Pendlay row 3x8
Strict T2B 3x10
C. Conditioning
Run 3 sets of 800m, 400m, 200m
Rest 1:00 between distances, 4:00 between sets
D. Interval
3 RFT of Fran, rest 5:00 between attempts
Thruster (95/65)
E. Gymnastics
Walking lunge 400m
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman