

Functional Fitness


Saturday. You have a couple options today for training depending on your goals.

Option A: normal training day

Option B: re-do 19.1

Option C: active recovery to rest for 19.1 redo.

Depending on your goals, decide your training for today. Either way, get after it.

Choose between A/B. C/D mandatory.


A. Strength

Deadlift - work up to heavy single

Then 2 AMRAP touch and go sets at 75% of that heavy single. Rest as needed between.

B. Strength

OHP 4x8 @ 70%

C. Metcon

0-15:00 - 5 RFT 10 front squats (135/95), 10 bar facing burpees, 10 box jumps (24/20)

15-30:00 - 21-15-9 DL (225/155), HSPU

30-UTC - 18-30-42 Pull-ups, pushups, pistols

D. Accessory

Close grip bench 3x10

Barbell curl 3x15

Sandbag carry AHAP 5x50'


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Cronus Fit