

Functional Fitness


Tuesday. Two different focuses for the metcons today - a long gymnastics focused chipper and a barbell cycling interval piece. This week is going to include thrusters, so we’re going to continue to hit barbell conditioning pieces to prepare

A/B/C mandatory. D/E optional.


A. Oly

12 EMOMSN + 2 OHS @ 70-80%

Start low and work up. No misses

B. Metcon


30 alternating pistols, 30 box jump overs (24/20), 30 SA DB push press (50/35)

C. Interval

5x3 AMRAP, rest 1:00'

12 Deadlift, 9 hang power clean, 6 push jerk (155/105), max rep ring muscle ups

D. Work Capacity

4 rounds, rest 2:00

AAB 50/40 cal

E. Accessory

Banded face pull 3x20

Weighted chin up 3x6

Single leg KB RDL 3x10

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Cronus Fit