

Functional Fitness


Happy Monday and welcome to the last week of the 2019 crossfit open. We’ve got one last week of open programming and then we’ll do a 1 week deload into our off season training where we focus less on intensity and more on base building. More to follow on that.

A/B mandatory. C/D optional.


A. Strength

FS 4x4 @ 80%

B. Metcon

Crossfit WOD 16.5

21-18-15-12-9-6-3Thruster (95/65), bar facing burpee

C. Work Capacity

Row/ski 7/6k

4 minutes @ 5k pace / 1 minute @ 500m pace

D. Gymnastics Accessory

5x20 C2BPU

Rest as needed


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit