Functional Fitness
Saturday Suck Fest’s are back on the program. Grab a buddy or two and get after this workout. There’ll be a bit of a mental challenge as well - you have to carry a med ball with you throughout the entire workout. If it touches the ground, there will be a penalty. Split up the reps however you want, but the med ball cannot touch the ground.
Have fun
A/B/C mandatory.
A. Strength
OHP or bench 4x8 @ 60%
B. Saturday Suck Fest
With a partner for time:
Must rest carrying 20/14 med ball. If med ball touches ground at any time, 20 burpee (each) penalty
Run 1 mile carrying 20/14 med ball
50 DL (275/185)
100 HSPU
150 T2B
200 WB (20/14)
300 cal row
C. Accessory
Single arm farmer carry 5x50' ea arm
Barbell curl 3x10
Banded tricep extension 3x20
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman