Functional Fitness
Happy Monday and welcome to our off-season cycle. We’ll be running several macro cycles within this off season. We will conduct an 8 week hypertrophy/base building mesocycle, then a 4 week tempo/positional mesocycle. Then we’ll end our off-season cycle with a 9 week strength cycle.
Within this base building cycle, expect a lot of volume. Generally speaking, since volume is increased, our intensity will decrease to compensate. During this mesocycle, we’ll slowly increase the working reps and volume. We’ll have optional Metcon and gymnastics work, but the focus will be on the strength, accessory, and conditioning pieces. The goal for this block is to get bigger while also improving overall aerobic capacity. As a result, nutrition and recovery are going to be huge. Shoot for about 1g/lb of bodyweight of protein and between 17-20 calories/lb of bodyweight. Make sure you are getting extra sleep during this block to support recovery and muscle growth.
As always, hit us up if you have any questions. Enjoy the bodybuilding during this hypertrophy block
A/B/C mandatory. D/E optional.
A. Strength
Back squat 4x10@60%
B. Accessory
BB RDL 4x10
Backrack reverse lunge 4x10 (ea leg)
Strict T2B 4x10
Banded hip thrust (2 sec pause at top) 4x20
C. Conditioning
Run 4 miles @ 70% MHR
D. Metcon
For time:
2k row
200 DU
200 WB (20/14)
E. Gymnastics Accessory
20 EMOM (alternating)
- 15 C2BPU
- 50 DU
- 15 HSPU
- 45 second plank hold
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman