

Functional Fitness

It’s Friday homies. Time to hit the track again for conditioning. Take your time on the recovery walks but don’t completely blow it off (it shouldn’t take 5 minutes to walk 400). Everything else is pretty straightforward for today. Enjoy

A/B/C mandatory. D/E optional.


A. Oly

3 pos hang clean(hi hang, knees, and low hang) 5x2 @ 70%

B. Accessory

Pause jerk (2 sec) 5x3 @ 60%

BB front rack box step up 4x12 ea leg

BB bent over row 4x10

I/Y/T 4x10

C. Conditioning

Run 4x1200m, rest walk 400m

D. Metcon

For time:

30 bar facing burpees

30 squat clean (135/95)

2k row

30 squat clean (135/95)

30 bar facing burpees

E. Gymnastics

16 EMOM, alternating

10 C2BPU


15 T2B

50 DU


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Cronus Fit