Functional Fitness
In this off-season prep, we’re also going to add some odd object work in addition to our Saturday Suck Fest workouts. Today’s odd object training has two components - a sandbag hold and a plate pinch. Get comfortable being uncomfortable.
A/B/C mandatory. D optional.
A. Strength
OHP 4x10@60%
B. Accessory
BB Floor press 4x12
DB curl 4x15
Weighted dip 4x10
C. Saturday Suck Fest
60 AMRAP, wearing 20/14 vest
Run 800m
50 squats
40 DB box step ups (50/35 DB to 24/20" box)
30 pushups
20 pull-ups
10 manmakers (50/35)
D. Odd object
5 rounds, rest as needed between sets (no more than 2 min)
1 min sandbag weighted wall sit into 1 min sandbag bear hug hold
Plate pinch 4x30s (hold a plate between your thumb/fingers for 30s. Choose a challenging weight. Try to avoid using lips/edges on plate)
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman