Functional Fitness
Hump Day. Enjoy the rest day tomorrow.
A/B/C mandatory. D/E optional.
A. Strength
DL 4x10@60%
B. Accessory
Weighted chin up 4x8
Single leg KB RDL 4x10
GHDSU 4x12
DB Z-press 4x10
C. Conditioning
Row/Ski 3 sets of (750-500-250-500)
Rest 1 min between sets, rest 4 min between rounds. Goal is to work at your 500m working pace (~90% of max 500 pace)
D. Metcon
15 min E3MOM (5 rounds)
20 DB Snatch (50/35)
15 DB Goblet squat (50/35)
10 box jump over (30/24)
Max cal assault bike
Score is assault bike calories. No rest between round
s E. Gymnastics
Death by C2BPU (by 2's)
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman