Functional Fitness
Just cause we haven’t done one of these in a while. It’s #tacotuesday homies. Put in the work today to earn your tacos tonight. On the conditioning piece, go as hard as possible for the 100m sprints. Rest as needed between reps. We’re emphasizing the rest-walk in order to help cycle some of that lactate out of your legs. Intensity matters.
A/B/C mandatory. D/E optional.
A. Oly
SN Complex (Hang SN + Full SN + 2 OHS) 5x2 @ 70%
B. Accessory
Snatch grip pendlay row 4x10
Weighted pistol 4x10
Band face pull 4x20
Tabata hollow hold
C. Conditioning
15 rounds
Sprint 100m - AFAP
Rest walk 200m
D. Metcon
40 Russian Kettlebell swing (53/35)
30 cal row
20 KB Snatch (53/35 total)
10 strict HSPU
E. Gymnastics Accessory
16 E2MOM (8 rounds)
HSW 50'
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman