Functional Fitness
Happy Friday and Memorial Day weekend. We’re going to program two Memorial Day weekend workouts. Murph on Saturday, and our own special workout for Sunday. Get after today’s programming and enjoy your weekend.
A/B/C mandatory. D/E optional.
A. Oly
Clean complex (hi hang clean, hang clean, clean, jerk) 5x2 @ 70%
B. Accessory
I/Y/T 4x10
Bottom up KB press 4x10 ea arm
Strict ring dip 4x10
KB Windmill 4x10 ea arm
C. Conditioning
Run 3 sets of (100-200-400-800m
)Rest 1 min between distances, 3 minutes between sets. About 80% effort with repeatable times
D. Metcon
4x4 AMRAP, rest 2:00
Ring MU
Squat snatch (135/95)
Reset each 4 minute interval
E. Gymnastics Accessory
8 rounds, rest 1:00 between rounds
1 legless rope climb, 1 rope climb
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman