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Functional Fitness


Happy Saturday. Here’s the last day of our deload week. For today’s Suck Fest, focus on getting into a “flow” state and just move through the movements. You shouldn’t be hard-pressed to finish each movement with sufficient time to recover before the next movement.

Get comfortable being uncomfortable.


A. Strength

OHP 4x8 @ 60%

B. Saturday Suck Fest

60 min EMOM (10 rounds)

While wearing vest (20/14)

2 rope climbs
10 burpees
15 WB (20/14)
20 KBS (53/35)
25 air squats
100m run

C. Accessory

Yoke carry 5x50' AHAP

Barbell curl 3x10

Banded tricep extension 3x20

Bench 3x10 @ 60%


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman