Functional Fitness
Hump Day. The metcon today is a nice spin on interval work. The reps go down per round, but the weight for the hang power cleans go up. Don’t full send each interval - the 2:00 isn’t a ton of time to recover if you go out hot. Instead, try and pace each round so you’re not digging yourself into a hole for the last round.
A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.
A. Strength
DL 1x5@ 65%, 1x5@75%, 1x5+@85%
B. Accessory
Banded pendlay row 3x10
Landmine cauldron 3x12 each direction
Weighted GHDSU 3x15
C. Metcon
3x4 AMRAP, rest 2:00 between AMRAPs
Hang power clean
Bar facing burpees
Reps descend per AMRAP: 21-15-9 (21 HPC, 21 BFB, 21 cal AAB, then 15 HPC, 15 BFB, cal AAB, then 9)
Weights on hang power clean ascend (115/85, 135/95, 155/105)
D. Conditioning
Row 10x500mRest 1:00
E. Gymnastics
75 DU
50 air squats
25 pull-up
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