Functional Fitness
Last day of our test week. Hopefully you all have a good benchmark from where we’ll move into percentage work for our next mesocycle for the next 6 weeks. Get after today’s Suck Fest, it’s a long grinder. Make sure you are pacing appropriately and being aware of your transition time.
A. Strength
Work up to 1RM OHP
B. Saturday Suck Fest
75 RFT
1 strict pull-up
2 DB thruster (50/35)
3 lateral burpee over DB
C. Strongman
Double KB Overhead walk 5x100'
D. Accessory
Bench 3x5 @ 80%
Fat bar curl 3x15
Banded tricep push down 3x20
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman