

Functional Fitness


Happy Monday, Crew. We’re starting our next mesocycle in our cycle. This will be a 6 week strength cycle based on the 5/3/1 methodology. 5/3/1, for those unfamiliar, is a linearly progressive strength cycle where we increase our percentages every weekly, with a new training max every 3 weeks. For this first 3 week cycle, we will be basing all percentages off our 1RM we tested last week. So, our training max for this cycle will be 90% of the 1RM we tested last week. For example, if your max was 405 last week on back squat, your training max will be 365. On the last set (5+), we will be going for a training rep max, roughly 90% effort. It should be hard. For example, you will be doing an AMRAP of 310 based on 85% of the training max.

In addition, we’ll slowly be ramping up the work this cycle, and thus, we’re prescribing 2 out of the 3 conditioning pieces. Pick based on your weaknesses.

A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.


A. Strength

BS 1x5@ 65%, 1x5@75%, 1x5+@85%

B. Accessory

Single leg KB RDL 3x12

BB Backrack lunge 3x12

Strict T2B 3x10

C. Metcon


10 front squat (185/125)
25/20 cal AAB

D. Conditioning

Run 6 rounds of 3 min off/1 min walk rest

Pace at roughly max mile pace

E. Gymnastics


2 rope climbs
10 T2B


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Cronus Fit