

Functional Fitness


Happy Friday. We’e got a bunch of good pieces to choose from for today. For the oly piece, work up to a heavy 3 rep touch and go power clean. The two metcons have similar feels in terms of rounds, but again, they have different focuses. C is DB’s and gymnastics, whereas D is mainly gymnastics. For the work capacity piece, sprint each 100m as hard as you can.

A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.


A. Oly

Touch and go power clean 5x3

Work up to a heavy set

B. Accessory

DB Z-press 3x8

Band pull aparts 3x25

DB bulgarian split squat 3x10

C. Metcon

4 RFT (15 min cap)

10 DB hang clean thruster (50/35's)
10 DB Man makers (50/35)
15 pull-ups

D. Metcon

5 RFT (10 min cap)

6 bar MU
50 DU
12 burpee to 6" target

E. Work Capacity

10 rounds, not for time

Sprint 100m, walk back to start


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Cronus Fit