Time to open up ye old book of programs to start the beginning of the 10-Week RPAT improvement PROGRAM! This program focuses heavily on core strength and stability, in order to maximize your two day score between kit and body weight exercises! Expect to have three movements daily, dedicating 30-40min on strength and then 30-40min in someway to cardio and accessory development! RLTW!!
Warm Up:
1-Mile Easy Run, last 400m include 100ft of lunges and 100ft of high knees.
Hexbar DL 3RM (10min to reach weight)
Max Metronome Push Ups
Max Ankle to Bar in :60
Max Pull Up
-3min between events
2rnds 5-10-5 sprint (Start going left and alternate for round two)
300m Shuttle x 2 (:60 Rest between rounds and shuttle is 25m)
Max Broad Jump
Max Sit Ups
- 2min between events

Cronus Fit