Just like these Rangers, today’s workout is about moving in kit, with a purpose, to an objective! We’ve added some movements to your traditional RPAT, with the intent of working towards identifying your weaknesses and moving forward to developing skills that should be isolated!
Warm Up: 3 Rounds not for time
Row 500m + 10x Hip Bridge + 5x Scap Pull Up
Bench 3x12
Block Power Clean + Clean 4x3
High Hang Power Clean + Push Press 4x3+8
2-Mile Kit Run
20ft Rope Climb
200m Shuttle Sprint
12ft Legless Rope Climb
100m Lunge
20ft Caving Ladder
100m Lunge
8ft Wall Climb + 15 Dips at Top
1-Mile Kit Run
:60 6” Leg Lift

Cronus Fit