Ranger V5 W3D3
Today’s workout starts on that great midweek note - 1 Mile Hard and then after you start sweating, we start working. The Conditioning involves some fun movements in one, what a great gift, huh? On the shuttle run, the distance per leg is 25m, so you’ll do six total lengths. While the thrusters and bear crawl are cool, the big focus is on the run and consistency. You shouldn’t be more than :05 off each set if you pace correctly!
Warm Up:
1-Mile Run
Circuit 1 – 3 Rounds of 10 Reps
Floor Press
Z Press
Decline Crunches
Circuit 2 – 3 Rounds of 10 Reps
DB Flys
Tricep Kickbacks
Circuit 3 – 3 Rounds of 10 Reps
Pull Overs
Ball Slams (30 Total)
Wall Balls (20 Total)
18AMRAP - 10x Thruster #40 + 20m Bear Crawl + 300m Shuttle Sprint (25m)