Week 4 of the Ranger V4 program coming in hot - last week of these circuit movements before we transition to the next phase. For conditioning today, some substitute exercises for those of you without tires or sledges, Sumo DL and slam balls.
Week 4
DAY 1:
Warm Up:
1-Mile Run (6:00-6:45)
Circuit 1 - 3 Rounds of 10 Reps
Goblet Squat
Turkish Get Up
Toes to Bar
Circuit 2 – 3 Rounds of 10 Reps
Pause Squats
Walking Lunges
Knees to Elbows
Circuit 3 – 3 Rounds of 10 Reps
DB Bench Press
Cable Tricep Extension
Push Up Plank :60
5RFT – 40cal AAB + 20x Tire Flip + 20x Sledge Strikes + 40x Wall Ball Shots #20