Corona is fresh in the news, but we’ll still make some noise and get after fitness. This week we transition to higher volume bodyweight programming for your conditioning needs. Basic equipment you’ll need for the foreseeable future – ruck, plate carrier, maybe a kettlebell (I’m really crossing my fingers here), and access to a trail uninhabited by zombies.
Warm Up:
1-Mile Run (6:00-6:45)
This won’t change.
EMOM 10minutes
20x Air Squats
Circuit 1: 3- Rounds
10x Pistol Box Squats
20x Box Jump Over
Circuit 2 – 3 Rounds of 10 Rep
Overhead Walking Lunges w/Ruck
S2O w/Ruck (Minimum weight #50)
300m Shuttle Run +10x Single Arm Press of Kit + :60 Plank