Week 8 of Ranger V5 is here to dust off some cobwebs from last week and get us back to crushing fitness. You can do almost all these exercises with a ruck, sandbag, ammo can, plate carrier, small child, big child, tigers . . . just not the Tiger King . . . or any album by Dragonforce.
Warm Up:
1-Mile Run (6:00-6:45)
Sandbag Squats to Box or Seat
5x 20-25
Circuit 1: 3- Rounds
10x Single Leg Box Jump (20 Total)
10x Single Arm Overhead Squat
Circuit 2 – 3 Rounds of 10 Reps
Bulgarian Split Squat
Leg Raises (30 Reps)
4x Burpees + 6x Power Clean (Plate Carrier or Ruck) + 8x Push Ups
Every Rounds add 2reps per movement