Rylanor W15D3
In Kit and for Time
2-Mile Run, then
3 Rounds: 2x 20ft Rope Climb + 2x 8ft Wall Climb + 40ft Bear Crawl then …
1-Mile Run, then …
3 Rounds for Time: 10x HexBar DL + 2x 40ft KB Suitcase Sprint AHAP + 10x Burpee over Bar
Rylanor W15D3
In Kit and for Time
2-Mile Run, then
3 Rounds: 2x 20ft Rope Climb + 2x 8ft Wall Climb + 40ft Bear Crawl then …
1-Mile Run, then …
3 Rounds for Time: 10x HexBar DL + 2x 40ft KB Suitcase Sprint AHAP + 10x Burpee over Bar