Functional Fitness
Friday, Friday, Friday. Crush today’s training and enjoy the weekend.
A/D/E mandatory. Choose B or C based on weaknesses and time.
A. Oly
Clean + Jerk 7x3+1@70%
B. Oly
Jerk recoveries 5x2@100%
C. Interval
AMRAP 15, rest 1:00
8 DL (315/225), 12 box jump over (30/24), 18 KBS (53/35)
D. Conditioning
Row 3x2k, rest 3:00
E. Accessory
Banded face pull 3x20
Single arm KB OHS 3x12 ea arm
Weighted chin up 3x6
Tabata hollow rocks
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman