Functional Fitness
Hump day. The metcon today will be painful. No doubt about it. Get after today’s training and really take advantage of the recovery day tomorrow. It’ll be a well deserved rest.
A/B/C mandatory. Choose D or E based on weaknesses and time.
A. Strength
DL 1x5@ 65%, 1x5@75%, 1x5+@85%
B. Metcon
Cal AAB, DB box step over (50/30 on 24/20" box)
C. Accessory
BB good morning 3x12
Strict C2BPU 3x8
Strict Toes 2 rings 3x10
BB front rack walking lunge 3x8 ea leg
D. Gymnastics
12 EMOM, alternating
4 muscle up, 8 HSPU, 12 GHDSU
E. Work Capacity
20 min E2MOM (10 rounds)
25/20 cal row
90% effort
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman