Functional Fitness
Taco Tuesday going hot. We're going up on the singles. Like last week, we're slowly getting heavier. Focus on your technique. If you're missing reps, don't hesitate to go down to focus on hitting your reps. We're trying to get used to maintaining technique with heavier weight, so don't sacrifice your technique to make the weight.
A. Oly
SN 1x3@60%, 1x3@70%, 1x2@80%, 1x1@85%, 2x1@90%, 2x1@92.5%
B. Interval
5x 3AMRAP, rest 2:00
15/12 cal AAB, 15 GHDSU, 15 WB (30/20)
C. Accessory
Snatch grip pendlay row 3x6
Bottom up KB press 3x10
Strict T2B 3x10
D. Gymnastics
3 unbroken ring MU
E. Work Capacity
Run 4x800m, rest 2:00