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Functional Fitness


Happy Monday. We're back to our heavy max out set at 95%. Think about how many reps you're shooting for, and keep that in the back of your mind as you attempt your max set. Again, the goal isn't to fail, but to go for a 90-95% effort. Everything else is self-explanatory,


A. Strength

BS 1x5@ 75%, 1x3@85%, 1x1+@95%


B. Metcon


Power Snatch (135/95), T2B


C. Accessory

BB Banded RDL 3x8

Double KB overhead lunge 3x10 ea leg

Ring L-sit flutter kick 3x15 ea leg


D. Gymnastics

3x3 AMRAP, rest 2:00

5 MU, 10 HSPU


E. Work Capacity

Row 7x750m, rest 2:00