Functional Fitness
Happy Hump Day. Last day of training before a much deserved rest day tomorrow. For the work capacity piece, shoot for about a 6" deficit, or a height at which you can hit about 8-10 for a max effort set. Scale as necessary.
A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.
A. Strength
DL - 6@75, 4@80, 6@77.5, 4 @ 82.5, 6@80, 4@85
B. Work Capacity
For time: 50 parallete HSPU, 15 min time cap
Every break, 20/15 cal AAB
C. Metcon
10 power snatch (115/75), 10 burpee BJO (30/24), 1 rope climb, 1 legless rope climb, run 200m
D. Gymnastics
15 EMOM, alternating
5 bar MU, 20 pistols, 50 DU
E. Accessory
Banded BB pendlay row 3x8
Tempo pull-up (3333) 3x5
Parallete L-sit hold 3x30s
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman