

Functional Fitness


Happy Monday and welcome to the start of a new cycle, our Functional Fitness Cycle 6.0. This cycle will be an 8 week cycle focusing primarily on strength and work capacity development. For strength work, we're going to be focusing on 3 primary lifts - back squat, deadlift, and overhead squat. Oly work will be the classic C+J and snatch purely. All the strength work will be done in a "wave" format with an overall progressive overload throughout the cycle (the weights will slowly increase as the cycle goes on). As far as work capacity, we will be utilizing primarily high-output couplets paired together in an EMOM/AMRAP combination. We also have the standard metcons/intervals, gymnastics, and accessory pieces as well as normal. However, we will be more directive with the pieces that you should be accomplishing each day. As usual, hit us up with any questions that you may have.


A/B/E mandatory. C/D optional depending on weaknesses. 

A. Strength

BS - 8@70, 5@75, 8@72.5, 5 @ 77.5, 8@75, 5@ 80


B. Work Capacity

For time: 100 WB (20/14), 8 round cap

Every 2:30, including 0:00, run 400m


C. Metcon


DB Snatch (70/50), 5 double DB box step over (24/20) between DB Snatches


D. Gymnastics

Death by strict ring dip (start with 1 ring MU)


E. Accessory

BB Seated good morning 3x10

Single leg KB RDL 3x10

Strict T2B 3x10