
Screenshot at Jun 29 16-07-52.png

Functional Fitness


Taco Tuesday going hot. Hope you guys enjoyed yesterday's programming. Today is more of the same. Strength and work capacity development with some interval work instead of a metcon. Get after the work capacity piece today.


A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.

A. Oly

Snatch - 4@70, 2@80, 4@75, 2@82.5, 2@77.5, 1@82.5


B. Work Capacity

For time: 100 OHS (115/75), 15 min time cap

Every minute, including 0:00, 2 rope climb


C. Interval

Row 6x500m, rest 1:00


D. Gymnastics


10 HSPU, 50 DU


E. Accessory

DB Z-press 3x8

Weighted chin up 3x6

I/Y/T 3x10