Functional Fitness
Today’s suck fest is all about the kettlebell. There is a lot of volume, so make sure you are pacing yourself accordingly. Run 100m everytime you break (within reason).
A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.
A. Saturday Suck Fest
For time
100 KB swing (70/53)
100 KB squat clean (53/35)
100 KB windmill (35/18)
100 KB goblet squat (70/53)
100 KB snatch (53/35)
100 KB russian twist (35/18)
100 KB bulgarian split squat (70/53)
100 KB single leg RDL (53/35)
100 KB oblique crunch (35/18)
Each break, run 100m
B. Strength
Tempo OHP (X221) 5x3
C. Accessory
Weighted chin up 3x6
Close grip bench 3x8
Poundstone curl
D. Odd Object
Zercher carry 5x100'
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman