
Functional Fitness


We’re trying something new this week by starting our sessions with a big, multi-joint movement to try and “pre-exhaust” the muscle groups that we’re emphasizing for the day. So for today, we’re starting off with 50 strict pull-ups. Break as needed, but try and move through the 50 relatively quick so that you can start the next superset. For the conditioning piece, run at a Zone 2 pace, which means run at about 70% of your maximum heart rate. You shouldn’t be “out of breath”.


A. Strength

A1. 50 strict pull up (break as needed)
A2. Single arm bent over row 4x12 (ea arm)
A2. Kneeling single arm banded face pull 4x20 (ea arm)

B. Metcon

6x3 AMRAP, rest 1:00 (continue where you left off)
20 KB Swing (70/53)
20 single arm KB thruster (70/53, switch as needed)
20 lateral burpee over KB

C. Conditioning

6 mile run (zone 2)


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Cronus Fit