Functional Fitness
We’re continuing our experiment with a 200m Zercher carry today. Aside from that, everything else is essentially “normal” programming for us. Don’t forget to hit the conditioning piece as well.
A. Strength
A1. 200m Sandbag zercher carry (100/75, break as needed)
A2. Single arm suitcase deadlift 4x20
A2. Banded good morning 4x20
A2. Weighted box step up 4x12 ea leg
B. Metcon
7 DB man maker (pair of 50/35's)
7 DB box step over (24/20 with 50/35 DB's)
100 DU
7 DB thrusters (50/35)
7 DB Box step over (24/20)
100 DU
C. Conditioning
Run 6x800m, 400m recoveries
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