

Functional Fitness


Well ladies and gents, we’ve finished our hypertrophy mesocycle so we’re onto a well deserved deload week. The goal of this week is to give the body a break so, ideally, you’re not even going to the gym this week. However, if you feel the itch, go ahead and do some light strength work or a long slow metcon. Keep everything at like a 60% intensity this week. Enjoy the break


A. Strength

Squat 4x8 @ 60%

B. Metcon

30 min AMRAP

30 cal AAB
30 KB Goblet squat
30 cal row/ski
30 weighted V-up

C. Accessory

Single leg KB RDL 4x10 ea leg
KB Turkish get up 4x10 ea arm
Weighted pistols 4x10 ea leg
Strict T2B 4x10


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Cronus Fit