
Functional Fitness


The conditioning piece is meant to get progressively harder. Start off at around a 70% effort and then slowly increase the RPM each round. The gymnastics piece is very grippy, so scale as needed the total reps of T2B.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.


A. Oly

A1. Touch and go squat clean 5x5
A1. DB/KB RDL 5x12

B. Accessory

B1. Weighted pistol 3x10
B1. Landmine cauldron 3x10 ea dir
B2. I/Y/T 3x10
B2. Medball slam 3x15

C. Conditioning

AAB 6x3 min, rest 2:00
Go up by 2RPM each round

D. Work Capacity

30 min E5MOM (6 rounds)

20 Russian KB Swing
10 R KB hang clean and press
10 R KB windmill
10 L KB hang clean and press
10 L KB windmill
AAB remainder

E. Gymnastics

For time
100 T2B
Every break, 30 DU


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Cronus Fit