Functional Fitness
Don’t forget to submit your scores for 21.1. Use #cronusfit in your profile to get tracked on our custom leaderboard. We’ll be giving out free swag throughout the open, so make sure you’re signing up. As far as training, We’ll hit some higher intensity work this week to train through the open. Get after it.
A/B/C mandatory. D optional
A. Strength
12 min E2MOM (6 rounds)
3 back squat
Start ~70% and work up to heavy triple
B. Accessory
BB good morning 3x10
Weighted pistol 3x8
Chin up 3x10
C. Metcon
For time
800m-600-400-200m run
20-15-10-5 burpee box jump over (24/20)
12-9-6-3 ground to overhead (155/105)
D. Gymnastics
12 min EMOM (alternating)
8 T2B
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman