

Functional Fitness

I hope everyone had a restful and relaxing Memorial Day weekend spent with friends and family remembering those who’ve paid the ultimate sacrifice.

This week marks the end of our hypertrophy phase and our shift into our next mesocycle. We’re doing a deload week this week, meant to be a legitimate deload where everything is at a 60-70% effort, including the metcon. Our goal this week isn’t necessarily to “increase” our fitness levels, rather, the intent is to give our bodies a break so that we can attack the next mesocycle with the requisite intensity. If you’ve been following the program consistently the last 8 weeks, your body needs this deload. If you still want more training pieces, feel free to pick a gymnastics accessory piece or conditioning piece from the last few weeks.


A. Strength

Squat 4x8 @ 60%

B. Metcon

20 min AMRAP
200m run

20 WB

250m row

20 box jump over (24/20)

C. Accessory

Single leg KB RDL 4x10 ea leg

KB Turkish get up 4x10 ea arm

Weighted pistols 4x10 ea leg

Strict T2B 4x10

#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit