Ranger v8 W9D2
Today’s run is your focus. The METCON should be easy enough to power through, really keeping consistent times for each movement. We think that the burpees will take :20, your TTB :15-:20 and the Row :40-:45, so the big emphasis is building a rhythm and holding onto it warming up your legs for the run. The run should be done at your 2-mile ACFT pace. We aren’t telling you how long you should rest for - listen to your body, if you don’t feel good stepping off, take another breather. Generally, if you are new to our programming, usually 1:1 work to rest, or 1:1.5 on the ratio.
Heavy BB Row 5x5
Pull Up 4x12
Lateral Raise 4x10
Upright Row 4x10
15 EMOM - 1) 5x Burpees 2) 10x TTB 3) 10cal Row
4x400m Repeats, 2x800m Repeats, 2x1200m Repeats, 1x Mile Repeat