Ranger v8 W9D1

Week 9 is here, this will be the last week for some of the accessory strength movements, we’ll move on to some more complex stuff for weeks 10-14. Today’s run is not supposed to smoke you, but you should start feeling that going from a slightly slower pace to your RPFT pace is not as easy as you might think. What you should get out of today’s run is an appreciation for your pace and just how much it’s important to rely on consistency in your long runs and not going out too hot for a test run.

Backsquat 3,3,2,2,1
Leg Press 4x12
Reverse Hyper 4x10
Wall Sit 3:00

Knee Tuck 4x15
Plank 3:30

Running: 10min Warm Up, then 4 Rounds of 4min at your RPFT pace + 3min at a slower pace (:30-:45 per mile slower)

Cronus Fit