Siege of Terra W16D2

Push Jerk 4x8
Single Arm Z Press 4x8
Upright Row 4x8
Superset: Cable Curl + :60 Heavy DB Hold 4x10 + :60

1. Push Press #115 + Over the Bar Burpee Ladder (1+1, 2+2, etc …)
2. 20x Slam Ball #30 and Max Effort AAB
3. 30x DU + 5x Pull Up

On a bike - 10min Warm Up Spin (80-85rpm) then 4-5-6-6-5-4 with :30 between sets. These intervals should be done at 75-85rpm, with a significant resistance, where your legs and lunge feel like they are burning. By the time you reach the second 6min effort, you should feel gasping for air. If you have a power meter, don’t worry if your output falls by 20-30W, just keep the intensity on the pedal rotation.

Cronus Fit