
Functional Fitness


The “X” annotation means explode, so you’ll execute the concentric portion of the rep as explosive as possible.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.


A. Strength

Tempo back squat (44X1) 5x3

B. Accessory

BB front rack lunge 3x10 ea leg
GHD back extension 3x12
Banded Paloff press 3x20 ea side

C. Conditioning

Row/ski 4x2k, rest 2:00

D. Metcon

For time
100/75 cal AAB
Every 1:00, including 0:00: 5 DB thruster (2x50/35's)

E. Gymnastics

2-4-6... HSPU
8 strict ring dip


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Today’s Suck Fest is a hero wod with a bit of a twist. Hotshot 19 is typically done weight bodyweight, but we’re going to do it with a vest for a little added challenge. Let this be your Independence Day workout.


A. Saturday Suck Fest

Hotshot 19
6 RFT, wearing 20/14 vest
30 Air Squats
19 Power Cleans (135/95 lb)
7 Strict Pull-Ups
400 meter Run

B. Strength

Tempo OHP (4441) 5x3

C. Accessory

DB floor press 3x8
Banded bicep curl 3x20
Strict ring dip 3x12

D. Odd Object

Farmer carry 5x100' AHAP


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


For the EMOM piece, scale your reps accordingly so that it is challenging, but manageable.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.


A. Oly

Tempo clean + pause dip jerk (3 second pull to hi-hang position, then clean from hi-hang into 2 second pause in dip before jerk) 6x2

B. Accessory

Bottom up KB press 3x10 ea arm
BB RDL+ shrug 3x10
Banded facepull 3x20

C. Conditioning

20 E2MOM (10 rounds)
20/15 cal AAB

D. Interval

20 AMRAP, rest 1:00 between rounds
8 sandbag over shoulder (150/100)
16 T2B
24 pistols (total)

E. Gymnastics

12 EMOM, alternating
3-5 ring MU
5-8 wall walks
15-20 GHDSU


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


We’ll still do pool work for Thursday active recovery days, but we’ll alternate it with some other low impact work. For today, hit 60 minutes on a low impact machine and flush everything out.


Active Recovery

Low impact machine work for 60 min


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Hump Day. Hopefully you guys are enjoying the slight change of pace. If you don’t have a rope to climb, sub for 4:1 towel pullups.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.


A. Strength

Tempo Deadlift (4441) 5x3

B. Accessory

Weighted pistols 3x10 ea leg
Pendlay row 3x8
Banded Paloff press 3x20 ea side

C. Conditioning

30 min E5MOM (6 rounds)
Run 800m, rest walk remainder

D. Metcon

21 cal AAB
15 axle/fat bar DL 225/175

E. Gymnastics

For time
10 rope climbs
100 air squats
5 legless rope climbs


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Nothing fancy/complicated for today’s programming. We’re going to transition into shorter, more intense, metcons.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.


A. Oly

3 position hang Snatch (hi hang, knees, low hang) 5x2

B. Accessory

Weighted chin up 3x8
I/Y/T 3x10
Reverse hyper 3x12

C. Conditioning

AAB for max cals 5x5min, rest 2:00

D. Interval

4x4 min AMRAP, rest 2:00 between
20/16 cal row
20 thrusters (95/65)
20 bar facing burpees

E. Gymnastics

Run 200m
15 C2BPU
Rest 30 seconds


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Hope you guys are all well rested. We’re going to transition into a positional/tempo cycle. The goal for this cycle is to tighten up movement patterns. For tempo work, you read the prescribed tempo as concentric, extension, eccentric, pause. So for today, you’ll do a 4 second descend, 4 second hold, and 4 second ascent with a 1 second pause.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.


A. Strength

Tempo back squat (4441) 5x3

B. Accessory

Single leg KB RDL 3x10
Strict T2B 3x10
Banded hip thruster (2 sec pause) 3x20

C. Conditioning

Row 6k
Every 3:00, including 0:00
5 burpees
10 pushups
15 squats

D. Metcon

20 min AAB for max cals (10 rounds)
Every 2:00, including 0:00 5 DB man makers (50/35)

E. Gymnastics

For time
50 deficit HSPU (4/2")
Every break, 30 DU


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Today’s Suck Fest is an ascending barbell chipper. The weights go up each round.


A. Strength

Bench 4x8

B. Saturday Suck Fest


Row 1k
30 lateral burpee over bar
30 clean
30 shoulder to overhead
30 pull-ups

Weights ascend at 95/65, 115/75, 135/95, 155/105

C. Accessory

Barbell curl 3x10
Banded tricep extension 3x20
DB Bench 3x12


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Happy Friday all. A couple days left of the deload week, so keep moving snd keep the intensity light. We’ll increase the intensity next week.


A. Oly

Power clean 5x3

B. Metcon


20 cal AAB
20 burpee box jump over
20 cal row

C. Accessory

Tempo pullup (3333) 4x5
BB Z-press 4x10
I/Y/T 4x10
Push up plank on rings 4x30s


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Spend 60 minutes in the pool today. You can split it however you want.


Active Recovery

60 min in the pool


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Same idea for today. Pick a moderate weight for the sandbag, but it should be something you can easily handle unbroken.


A. Strength

OHP 4x8

B. Metcon


800m run
10 burpee pull up
20 sandbag box step over (24/20)
30 sandbag weighted lunge (total)

C. Accessory

DB bent over unsupported row 4x12
BB Good morning 4x12
Bulgarian split squat 4x10 ea leg
Kneeling banded Pallof press 4x15 ea direction


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


THere’s on prescribed weights/loads this week, so it’s up to you guys how heavy/light to go on the movements.


A. Strength

Deadlift 4x8

B. Metcon

30 min AMRAP1k row/ski
30 push-ups
40 single arm DB thruster
50 Russian KB swing

C. Accessory

Weighted pullup 4x8
Pendlay row 4x8
Banded face pull 4x20
Bottom up KB press 4x10


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Alright all, you guys have earned it. We’ve got a deload week. This week is all about giving your body, and mind, a break. Take everything at a 60-70% effort.


A. Strength

Squat 4x8

B. Metcon

30 min AMRAP

30 cal AAB
30 KB Goblet squat
30 cal row/ski
30 weighted V-up

C. Accessory

Single leg KB RDL 4x10 ea leg
KB Turkish get up 4x10 ea arm
Weighted pistols 4x10 ea leg
Strict T2B 4x10


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


For today’s Suck Fest, you’ll be doing everything with a sandbag. Run with it and then use it for all the movements. It’s a long chipper.


A. Saturday Suck Fest

All movements with 50/35# sandbag

Run 1 mile
4 rounds
25 thruster
25 ground to overhead
25 burpee over sandbag
Run 1 mile

B. Hypertrophy

B1. BB Bench 4x8
B1. DB chest fly 4x10

C. Accessory

C1. BB Curl 4x12
C1. Strict ring dip 4x10

D. Odd object

DB overhead carry/farmer carry 5x100' AHAP (switch arms at 50')


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D/E based on perceived weakness.


A. Oly

Snatch complex (snatch pull, hang snatch, OHS, snatch, OHS) 7x1

B. Accessory

B1. Strict chin up 4x8
B1. Banded good morning 4x20
B1. Push up plank on rings 4x30s

C. Conditioning

Run 4x1 mile, rest walk 3:00 between

D. Work Capacity

16 DB Snatch (70/50)
40 DU
16 DB hang clean and jerk (70/50)
200m run

E. Gymnastics

5 rounds, rest as needed between
5 T2B
5 bar MU


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit