
Functional Fitness


You’ll be doing an ascending ladder for the Suck Fest today.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Saturday Suck Fest

20 box step over with dumbell (single 50/35 over 24/20)
20 single arm devils press (50/35)
20 thrusters (ascending)
Weights ascend 75/55, 95/65, 115/75, 135/95, 155/105

B. Hypertrophy

B1. BB incline bench 4x12
B1. DB fly 4x10

C. Accessory

C1. BB Curl 4x10
C1. Banded bicep curl 4x20
C2. Strict dip 4x10
C2. Banded tricep pushdown 4x20

D. Odd object

Single arm farmer carry 5x100' ea arm (AHAP)


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Happy Friday crew. For the conditioning piece, pace the runs at approximately your 1 mile pace. For the 200’s, pace at your 400-800m pace.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Oly

Snatch compex (Snatch, OHS, hang snatch, OHS) 6x2

B. Accessory

B1. Weighted pistol 4x8
B1. Strict C2BPU 4x8
B1. I/Y/T 4x10

C. Conditioning

2x800m, rest 2:00
4x400m, rest 1:00
6x200m, rest 2:00

D. Work Capacity

5 rounds, not for time
10 deficit HSPU (4/2")
10 hang power clean and jerk (115/75)
500m row
10 hang power Snatch (115/75)
20 pistols (total)


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Swim work. Rest as needed between distances.


Active Recovery



#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


For the work capacity piece, think of it as a kettlebell flow. No need to push the intensity. Use the same KB during the circuit (probably around the 35/18 zone). The AAB is meant to be a recovery bike.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Hypertrophy

A1. BB overhead press 5x10
A1. DB incline press 5x10

B. Accessory

B1. Bottom up KB Press 3x10
B1. BB upright row 3x10
B2. Band pull apart 3x20
B2. Dragon flag 3x6

C. Conditioning

40 min E4MOM, 10 rounds
20/16 cal AB
20 KB swing (53/35)
20 KB goblet squat (53/35)

D. Work Capacity

32 min E4MOM (8 rounds)
10 R KB Snatch
10 R KB Windmill
10 L KB Snatch
10 L KB Windmill
AAB remainder


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Straightforward pieces for today’s work. Get after it.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Hypertrophy

A1. BB RDL 5x10
A1. BB Pendlay row 5x12

B. Accessory

B1. Single arm dumbell row 4x10
B1. Dumbell pull over 4x20
B1. Strict C2BPU 4x8

C. Conditioning

Row/ski 8x1k, rest 2:00 between

D. Work Capacity

8 devil press (50/35)
10 strict pull up
8 DB squat clean (50/35)
10 T2B
100' walking lunge


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


The conditioning piece is going to be done as a “death by” format. You should be able to get into the teen’s. Alternate movements.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Hypertrophy

A1. BB front squat 5x10
A1. BB good morning 5x10

B. Accessory

B1. Single leg RDL 3x12
B1. Weighted front lunge 3x12
B2. Strict T2B 3x10
B2. Banded hip clamshells 3x20 ea leg

C. Conditioning

EMOM, alternating, until failure
1-2-3... cal AAB
1-2-3... burpee

D. Work Capacity

400m run
10 BB backrack box step over (135/95 over 24/20)
12 squat clean (135/95)
15 shoulder to overhead (135/95)


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Straightforward partner chipper today. One partner runs while the other partner works. Think of the run as an active recovery between movements.


A. Saturday Suck Fest

With a partner for time
While one partner works, other partner runs 400m100 burpee box jump over (24/20)
100 sandbag ground to overhead (100/75)
100 strict pull-up
100 med ball weighted GHDSU (20/14)


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Happy Friday crew. We have our usual Saturday Suck fest tomorrow. Hopefully you guys are getting a solid break this week and are ready to hit it hard again next week.

A/B/C mandatory


A. Oly

Power snatch 6x3

B. Accessory

Reverse hyper 3x12
BB backrack reverse lunge 3x10
Banded hip bridge (2 sec pause at top) 3x20

C. Work Capacity

800m run
21 KB DL (2x70/53)
15 KB hang clean (2x70/53)
9 KB shoulder to overhead (2x70/53)


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Pool work for conditioning or active recovery, your choice.


Active Recovery

8x200m, rest as needed


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Nothing different for today.

A/B/C mandatory


A. Hypertrophy

OHP 4x10

B. Accessory

Pendlay row 3x8
Strict T2B 3x10
I/Y/T 3x10

C. Work Capacity

40 WB (20/14)
20/16 cal AAB
20 box jump over (24/20)
20/16 cal AAB


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


This week will have fairly similar workouts. The point is to give your body a bit of a break so that we can continue pushing the volume this block.

A/B/C mandatory


A. Hypertrophy

BB deadlift 4x10

B. Accessory

Single arm bent over row 3x10
Bottom up KB press 3x8
Banded Paloff Press 3x20

C. Work Capacity

10 devil press (50/35's)
250m row
10 burpee pullup
250m row


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


We’ve got a mini-deload this week. For the lifting pieces, choose a weight in the 60-70% range, something light enough that you should have no problem doing all the reps. The work capacity piece this week should be roughly the same intensity. Be efficient during this week and maximize your time outside of the gym - try to finish each session in an hour.

A/B/C mandatory


A. Hypertrophy

Back squat 4x10

B. Accessory

Bulgarian split squat 3x10
Weighted chin up 3x8
Single leg RDL 3x10

C. Work Capacity

20 sandbag clean (100/75)
200m run
20 sandbag front rack squat (100/75)
200m run
20 sandbag shoulder to overhead (100/75)
200m run


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Murph today for Memorial Day weekend. There are plenty of ways out there how to "do Murph”. At the end of the day, do the work.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Saturday Suck Fest

Memorial Day Murph
Wearing 20/14 vest
1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 squats
1 mile run

B. Hypertrophy

B1. BB bench 4x8
B1. Strict ring dip 4x8-12

C. Accessory

C1. DB Hammer curl 4x12
C1. DB floor press 4x10
C1. Strict T2B 4x10

D. Odd object

Zercher carry 5x100' AHAP


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Happy Friday crew. Hope you guys have a great Memorial Day weekend. We’ve got Murph for tomorrow’s suck fest, as is tradition.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Oly

Clean complex (squat clean, hang squat clean, front squat, jerk) 6x2

B. Accessory

B1. Weighted rear lunge 4x10
B1. BB upright row 4x10
B1. Dragon flag 4x6

C. Conditioning

Run 4 rounds of (800-400-200)
Rest walk 1:00 between distances, Rest 4:00 between sets

D. Work Capacity

For time
400m run with DB (50/35)
50 single arm devils press (50/35)
50 T2B
50 lateral burpee over DB
50 DB single arm thruster (50/35)
400m run with DB (50/35)


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Usual pool work. Hit some pushups and squats in between your laps.


Active Recovery

Swim 60 minutes
E5MOM (12 rounds)
10 pushups, 15 air squats


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit